About the Swedish Federation of Green Employers membership

Gröna arbetsgivare, The Swedish Federation of Green Employers, is an organisation for employers in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, landscaping, golf, and animal clinics.

The Swedish Federation of Green Employers is, in turn, a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. Members of The Swedish Federation of Green Employers are thus members of both organisations. The membership application applies to both organisations.

Obligation to apply collective agreement

As a member of The Swedish Federation of Green Employers you are bound to follow the provisions of the collective agreements that apply to your business, for its full duration. This includes an obligation to take out certain insurance policies for your employees.

Termination of membership

The rule governing the termination of membership is stated in the organisation's statues, and allow resignation of membership as of June 30th and December 31st respectively, provided a written (e-mail is also accepted) notice is submitted to The Swedish Federation of Green Employers at least thirty days in advance.

Arbio AB

The Swedish Federation of Green Employers, along with The Swedish Forest Industries Federation, The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industries, and The Swedish Graphic Companies' Federation, owns Arbio AB, which provides services for the federations' members.

Application forms

Fill in the membership application, and the supplement to membership application and send them both to:

The Swedish Federation of Green Employers
Ingela Hult
Box 55525
102 04 Stockholm

You can also scan your application forms and e-mail them to medlemsregistret@grona.org

Sign a collective agreement?

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  • Vi ger dig ett effektivt stöd som chef. Tillsammans bygger vi din kunskap.
  • Ta del av branschanpassade kollektivavtal som underlättar vardagen.
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